every language and dialect is rule-bound*.
Nutty, I was thinking that in fact lolspeak would provide a perfect example for explaining Chomsky stuff. Because nobody sat down to write the lolspeak grammar, and none of you ever sat down to learn it -- but you KNOW when something is wrong.
Yes, I said "Chomsky stuff." I'm not sure why. Here I mean Chomsky grammar stuff, not Chomsky politics stuff, or Chomsky, what, nuclear hydrodynamics stuff.
Tep, amych, I can only sidestep into my best Christine Lavin voice and say, "What was he thinking?" Giving a gift to someone with the idea of keeping it at your house is stilll very much WTF.
I just found out that one of the contestants on American Gladiators is, unwittingly, FUCKING UP MY LIFE!
huh, turns out that making a salad dressing with a base of .25 cup of olive oil throws off my fat intake. I mean, this is a big salad, it is 3 meals as the only entree, but still, .07 of a cup is too much. grr.
My mom would think LOLcats were funny...I need to show her some.
Because I tried to explain it and got "?!"
I just found out that one of the contestants on American Gladiators is, unwittingly, FUCKING UP MY LIFE!
The what with the who now?
I just found out that one of the contestants on American Gladiators is, unwittingly, FUCKING UP MY LIFE!
...I'm totally doing the Jon Stewart chin-on-hands, "Oh, REALLY? Go oooooon."
I just found out that one of the contestants on American Gladiators is, unwittingly, FUCKING UP MY LIFE!
That is SO LIKE THEM to do that.