Why has our irritating new receptionist chosen to turn up her radio today?
Cubicle Guys who talk about CSI sometimes turn on the radio. It makes me want to start chucking shit over the cubicle wall.
The only time I've played music other people could hear was when I shared an office with one other dude, and we discovered that we had similar music tastes. We worked weird hours, so after most people went home, we cranked Tool.
Oh, I do have to say that I work in a weird place where everyone, even the secretaries, has their own office. Well, when my student is here, she works in my office, but I let her choose the music most of the time. And we keep it low enough that the other offices can't hear!
Fortunately, she's playing sort of big-band jazzy stuff. Stuff that I would normally like. If I weren't trying to WORK.
It's not time for lunch yet. This vexes me.
and me as well. I will have coffee and hope that appeases my stomach.
If I weren't trying to WORK.
See, THERE'S your problem.
A very big cow: [link]
The Guinness Book of Records is trying to determine if this is the Biggest! Cow! Evah!
That is one enormous cow. Maybe it's...APOCALYPSE COW!!!
You don't want to be involved in a cow tipping incident gone horribly wrong.
I just noticed this typo in one of the captions:
Despite his grand stature, Chilli only grazes on grass during the day and enjoys the occasional swede as a treat
The cow eats Swedes? Maybe that's how it got so big....
a swede is a rutabega I think. Some sort of root vegetable in non-USian parlance.