but...the oldest is 20? Does she know about her mom being locked in the basement? WTF?
Not going back to read it again, but I got the impression the 18 and 19 year olds (and a younger one?) were still down there. Had
been out of the basement. And that the one who was taken to the ER had been down there too - just came out because she was dying.
OMG that story is so supremely disturbing on SO MANY LEVELS.
Anyone else watching Carrier?
Connolingus Rice? to the question of SecDef.
Oh dear. Snort.
Aww, niecephews all around! Yay!
I can't think of a word that encompasses all the horror of what that article reports.
All moved in. Well, I left the houseplants in the backyard. Just couldn't bear one more thing.
Kristen put a brace up for my AC for the bedroom, which is cooling down right now. Need lori to come check on it. I feel the need for an engineer's okay.
Cool shower, load of laundry, then ignoring the unpacking. I have nothing left, energy-wise.
Do you think I can eBay the sponge I used to clean Sheriff Carter's toilet? It would help recoup moving costs.
You have awesome people, Allyson. Enjoy your new place!!
My mind is boggling over Carrier.
Go Allyson! Did you get my text this morning? Also, you have lots and lots of time to unpack...
What is this Carrier you speak of?
A reality series on PBS about life on the USS Nimitz. It's very..well, idealism (commanders and COs) versus all the fucking teenagers on board. Apparently, each ep has a different director/editor (this perception is based on an interview with a local songwriter/performer who ended up with a piece of his being a theme of one of the eps, so not 100%.)
And I say "fucking teenagers" in a fond way. My brother was one of them back during Kosovo, and that was horrifying, appalling, consoling and fucking ridiculous.