I went to Artropolis yesterday! And had Japanese food for dinner! And all with a close friend I haven't seen in like, FOREVER. An excellent day and I am still sore from walking.
(Although the set up in the Merchandise Mart was much nicer than the set up at Navy Pier. I never did see it when it was at MacCormack Place.)
Artropolis is a terrific name! I want to move there....
Your day beat mine five ways to Sunday.
I really have to eat something, but I have nothing in the house, and I can't figure out what I want. It's a problem.
I don't think I can get anyone to bring me sushi that is worth eating.
I ordered pizza, because it was easy.
The only open-casket funeral I've been to for a close family member was my step-grandmother.
Growing up, I went to a LOT of open casket viewings. I don't know if it's an Irish Catholic thing. Or maybe an NYC Irish Catholic thing. The viewing was always three days, three nights. Funeral mass and burial on Day Four.
When my grandfather died, we did all that plus we fed everyone back at the house in between the day/evening viewings. Oh and then took everyone out to eat after the burial.
I think that was a huge part of my mother's proclamation that she wanted a closed casket and then cremation. She has, in fact, threatened to spit at people if her casket is open.
I'm trying to figure out how do I feel about this picture. Something about it bothers me. Maybe because I know it's the graphics for the alternative Holocaust remembrance day event, but I'm sure that's not the reason.
Also, never been to a casket funeral of any sort. The only funerals I've been to, they were using shrouds (tachrichim).
Don't eat sushi on a Sunday!!
Good call, Tom. But really, I wouldn't eat raw fish from any of the crappy sushi places that I know of that deliver to me.