Hope the move's going well.
In news of me: I'm a giant sap of epic and pathetic proportions. I just randomly flipped to USA, and the last five minutes of a movie about sled, possibly rescue?, dogs is on. I can tell that the humans who've come looking for them are expecting them to be dead, and so it seems at first... but then, no! They're alive. And I tear up a little. Aw, but there's one missing. Just as they're about to leave, one dog takes off for the tundra... only to stop at the body of the missing dog. Her owner finds them. "Good boy, Sam. You brought her home." Sadness. More tears from me. But wait! She's not really dead! Just super cold and sluggish! Yays!! Didn't even watch the movie, and I'm all teary. @@ at self to infinity.
Was that Eight Below, Jen? I keep meaning to catch that on cable, but then it always turns out to be that Cuba Gooding Jr. movie instead.
You know, I didn't catch the title. Sounds plausible, though.
I haven't killed the friend yet, but that's partly because I sent her for a nap as she was nearly staggering with tiredness.
Eight Below made me cry. I didn't want it to, but it did.
(And then I found out that
in reality, all but 2 of the dogs died,
and it made me even sadder.)
It might be possible that the world needed an open-toed boot, but I'm pretty sure this ain't it. How hideous.
sorry open-toed should never describe a boot. If it is cool enough to wear boots, I want my toes covered. (hideous is only the start of the adjectives for that monstrosity)
now I am glad that ita linked to those boots
my sister just sent me a link to these
saying I needed them - it was good to out ugly her
Yeah, I'm having a hard time imagining a justification for an open toed boot need...
I am drinking a beer in my hotel room, after spending an agonizing afternoon and evening with the family. Oy.
Also, please note: while Finding Sarah Marshall is a fun movie, it is WAAAAY too much about fucking (the word, showing the act, showing full frontal male nudity...) to see with your mom. Unless your mom is way cooler than my mom. OMG.
meara - may I suggest a G&T? It works better than beer.