OK, wikipedia suggests that what I know as farmer's cheese might be the same thing as quark (I've tried quark, and it is pretty similar), which is sold in Canada as baker's cheese.
Crazy. I did a little googling and I did read that farmer's cheese can come in a variety of textures.
I did a little googling and I did read that farmer's cheese can come in a variety of textures.
I've had Mexican farmer's cheese that was like a slightly firmer buffalo mozarella.
I'm afraid most of my knowledge of modern comedic theatre is too gay-themed to be appropriate in a high school classroom. I suspect teaching Rudnick's The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told would not fly well with certain parents.
Does the positioning of comedy as the last genre taught mean it has to be the most recent? If not, maybe something from Gilbert & Sullivan like The Pirates of Penzance?
I've had Mexican farmer's cheese that was like a slightly firmer buffalo mozarella.
This I'd call crema, I think.
Whatever, I love cheese.
I do not love my night last night (except for how I'm glad I have the friends I do). My best friend's dog Sasha had a seizure at about 8:30 and my friend called me to come help take her to the vet. Sasha is 14 and has never had a seizure before. The vet said in that case it is most likely brain cancer. she stayed overnight and is on phenobarbytal and a steroid to help reduce swelling that the cancer would cause and she seems to be pretty good (if dopey) this morning. but it sucks. she is a great dog and a great companion for my friend. We ended up stopping by our other friends' house for liquour and comfort after leaving the dog at the emergency vet and ended up staying way late. I am tired and sad.
I am tired and sad.
Poor pup, poor friend, poor you. Having just had discussions about seizures in dogs with my vet and the vet-neurologist, I might recommend a trip to the vet-neurologist. She was very reassuring and had other ideas than just phenobarbytal (which has nasty side effects) for our pup.
Whatever, I love cheese.
I am lisah.
Having just had discussions about seizures in dogs with my vet and the vet-neurologist, I might recommend a trip to the vet-neurologist.
Well, the thing is she's elderly and this is her first seizure. According to the vet we saw last night this almost always means brain cancer (rather than, say, epilepsy) and there's just not much they can do.
I think my head is going to explode. If the barometric pressure isn't dropping, I'll eat my socks.
We're supposed to get ginormous t-storms chockful of hail around the time we're going home after work.
Well, I forgot my umbrella, but at least I wore my raincoat.