I am tired and sad.
Poor pup, poor friend, poor you. Having just had discussions about seizures in dogs with my vet and the vet-neurologist, I might recommend a trip to the vet-neurologist. She was very reassuring and had other ideas than just phenobarbytal (which has nasty side effects) for our pup.
Whatever, I love cheese.
I am lisah.
Having just had discussions about seizures in dogs with my vet and the vet-neurologist, I might recommend a trip to the vet-neurologist.
Well, the thing is she's elderly and this is her first seizure. According to the vet we saw last night this almost always means brain cancer (rather than, say, epilepsy) and there's just not much they can do.
I think my head is going to explode. If the barometric pressure isn't dropping, I'll eat my socks.
We're supposed to get ginormous t-storms chockful of hail around the time we're going home after work.
Well, I forgot my umbrella, but at least I wore my raincoat.
t Skip skip skip
t post link
What to do with matzah after the holiday?
t Wave quickly
t wish a good holiday to those who celebrate it, and a good rest-of-the-week-as-well-as-weekend to eveybody
t run out
t Poof
t edit a typo
t nod at own stupidity and insistance of spelling and -
t Oops. It's late. Poof
an “average-size person”— someone who weighs about 150 pounds
Really? Really? I guess it's clear they don't mean statistically average, but if you took the average heights and worked out healthy weights, would the average weight still come to close to 150? Seems skinny.
New Yorkers accidentally learn that Starbucks pastries are bad for you.
I was like, "400 Calories for one cookie!!??"