Does the term cradle robber come with a value judgment, meara?
Hah! No, not generally--it's quite possibly even said with a hint of envy. And I say this as one who was dating sleeping with a 22 year old last fall.
You might be a cougar if your date is younger than your child.
Hah! Now I'm wanting to apply these to the GILF (though she's not really much older than me, and her child is 12 years younger than me)
But I do agree with Matt, in that once you're in your 30s, or maybe even late 20s, it's not so weird at all to be dating someone older, even old enough to be your parents. Not that that made me want to date a 52 year old when she asked, but...
I think a lot about reduction surgery.
I'm seriously considering it, but only after I'm sure I'm done having kids, because I want to at least try breastfeeding Hypothetical Kid #2. Also, I'd like to see what losing weight does, because back when I was around the ideal weight for my height, I was one band size and something like four cup sizes smaller. I know I wouldn't necessarily go back to that size, but I'd want to at least see. I actually liked that size. I was still big-bosomed, but not so much so that it was hard to find bras in ordinary stores, and I felt curvy instead of blobby.
It's just one more motivator, really. Mostly I need to lose weight and exercise so I can get my bp down. At my last physical, my ARNP did some gentle tsk-tsking and suggested seeing what getting into better shape would do if I don't want to go on medication. And if Hypothetical Kid #2 comes into being, I don't want to spend the entire pregnancy on bedrest. That month or so last time was more than long enough.
Not that that made me want to date a 52 year old when she asked, but...
Hmph, I'm only 51 and I would TOTALLY date you. Guess you missed out on that bit of heaven, Missy. Well, that and because I am married and all.
Scrappy, it was only in part the 52. It was also the person...CLEARLY if you had asked, I would've. :)
Timelies all!
Stepped out of the bathroom after my shower this morning to find small piles of sparkly white powder on the bedroom rug. Turns out the kittens had been playing with a pot of body glitter, knocking the cover off and scattering glitter all over the place. Good thing they're cute...
So, Sheryl, you really do have someone running through and sprinkling glitter?
Not that that made me want to date a 52 year old when she asked, but...
I had Scrappy's response. I thought, "Oh, no. I'm too old to date Meara. Oh, wait. I'm also too straight. Still sad."
Brain is soup. Have agreement issue.
This will address the urgent need(s?) for improving this and that.
s? No s?
Brain is soup.
I would say "urgent need to improve..."
New food discovery: Hungarian cheese. It's like farmers cheese mixed with cream cheese, with paprika and scallions. Yum.