Actually- it was one of the only hard questions, although looking at it now I think I misread it and didn't take HIPAA into account
The process for reporting all device or equipment-related injuries that result in serious injury or death of a patient, visitor, or employee include all except:
Selected Answer: Incorrect c. The manufacturer or the FDA by designated hospital officer.
Correct Answer: Correct d. The patient's medical record.
So if I'm maimed by a machine that
go in my medical record.
"Well, I see no notation here about any missing limbs, miss. Must be all in your head."
"I'm telling you, I lost an arm. Ask the FDA!"
I am an awesome aunt. I just scored a tshirt for D showing all the astronauts for STS 125/SM4 doing a powerwalk pose on it. Including the D-worshipped Grunsfeld.
Sigh. I should use this as motivation to lose weight. If I lost 50 lbs, I'd have to go down a few cup sizes and therefore be much easier to fit.
Be warned, I lost 30 lbs, and didn't go down ANY cup sizes. Band size, yes. My band size shrunk by 4", which means that finding bras that fit me is even more of a search.
I've been trying to convince my doctor for YEARS that he should prescribe me a corset for my back and shoulder problems. He just rolls his eyes at me.
Sigh. I should use this as motivation to lose weight. If I lost 50 lbs, I'd have to go down a few cup sizes and therefore be much easier to fit.
I lost 45 and went down two band sizes and up a cup size. I think a lot about reduction surgery.
Yeah over the last 10 yearsish I've lost about 20 lbs and am basically the same bra size. I went one band size down and, according to the lady at Nordstroms, the cup size has gone up.
I went one band size down and, according to the lady at Nordstroms, the cup size has gone up.
Well, when I did my wardrobe makeover and was reading a lot about this stuff, there was some weird thing that if you went down a band size, you should go up a cup size. Like each cup size is basically only relatable to that particular band size, so a 34C and 36C cup wouldn't be holding the same volume (so to speak).
there was some weird thing that if you went down a band size, you should go up a cup size.
Yes, that's how it works. Verrrry annoying, let me tell you.
Does the term cradle robber come with a value judgment, meara?
Hah! No, not generally--it's quite possibly even said with a hint of envy. And I say this as one who was dating sleeping with a 22 year old last fall.
You might be a cougar if your date is younger than your child.
Hah! Now I'm wanting to apply these to the GILF (though she's not really much older than me, and her child is 12 years younger than me)
But I do agree with Matt, in that once you're in your 30s, or maybe even late 20s, it's not so weird at all to be dating someone older, even old enough to be your parents. Not that that made me want to date a 52 year old when she asked, but...