We have a (male) friend who is 39ish dating a (female) 19 year old. They live together and actually seem to have a healthy relationship, but is still weirds me out. It's difficult not to judge. I try not to, though.
Oooh! Oooh! I'm 33! You can date me still!!
Me too!
I have a friend who just turned 50 and his wife just turned 28. Sounds creepy, but they are actually a really good couple. M is a very very young 50...
Aims, can I grope you (in a purely theraputic way)?
We have a (male) friend who is 39ish dating a (female) 19 year old. They live together and actually seem to have a healthy relationship, but is still weirds me out. It's difficult not to judge. I try not to, though.
This is a tough one. Now that I'm sliding up on 50, I know what people thought when they saw 19 year old me moving in with my 34 year old (father of 3) soon-to-be husband. I really didn't get it then in the ways that I do now.
We were perfect for each other and our union was exactly what we both needed at that time in our lives.
So, I can see the allure, but when you see May-Decembers where the May isn't so together, or the December never will be, it's easy to judge it as a mistake.
We have a (male) friend who is 39ish dating a (female) 19 year old. They live together and actually seem to have a healthy relationship, but is still weirds me out. It's difficult not to judge. I try not to, though.
oh, yeah. my brother's 39 year old friend lives with his 22 year old girlfriend. They call her The Child Bride.
It's difficult not to judge. I try not to, though.
I'll judge for you!
My 26-year old cousin is living with a guy who is 20 years older than her (meaning he is older than me which is just disturbing). There were lots of red flags in the beginning including that he lied about his age (also she started seeing him within a couple years of her dad, with whom she'd had a very rocky relationship, committing suicide) but they've been together for a few years now and she seems happy.
Police: Woman lived with partially mumified body of sister
DETROIT - Detroit police say they've found the partially mummified body of a woman in her 80s on the kitchen floor of a house where her mentally troubled sister was living.
Police say they believe the surviving sister had been living with the body for one to three years. They say the body was partially covered with newspapers and that a cat and dog apparently ate part of it.
The Detroit Free Press says authorities removed the surviving sister Wednesday night and took her to a crisis center. She's also in her 80s and appears to have mental problems.
That just made me unbearably sad, tommy.