NASCAR related: Have you guys seen this chocolate bar? And am I the only one that giggles at it's name?
Yes and yes. One of the most startling realizations, when I started watching NASCAR, was that there was an entire world of advertising and merchandising that I was completely unaware of. There is really nothing that someone won't stick a driver's name or face on.
My favorite merch item discovery was the Dale Jr. face shield.
I remember reading that in --- Welsh, maybe? -- there way a grayish-green color that had a separate word from just "green."
Well, of course: in a land that foggy, you need a whole separate word for the color of mold.
Yeah, my allergies are asstastic
You know what I hate? What I really hate?
When my antihistamine breaks up with me with no warning.
Well, whatEV, Claritin! I can find a new antihistamine that I'm JUST as happy with! Yeah, me and Zyrtec, we'll be IN YOUR FACE with how happy we are together. Suck on THAT, you inadequately effective medication!
I'm breaking up with Claritin today. It kept me up last night and now I've got a noggin full of gunkus and my nose is raw.
Stupid tree sex.
Did you notice how much Ent Smut and Ent Moot sound the same? I suspect that's why the Moot lasted so long. Treebeard actually being some kind of Tree Bear with a leather vest.
I need to stop reading the internet and start working, or something. The internet is not soothing me.
I'm breaking up with Claritin today.
Wanna be polyantihistamineamorous with Zyrtec and me?
I suspect that's why the Moot lasted so long. Treebeard actually being some kind of Tree Bear with a leather vest.
Well, duh. Why do you think the Entwives left them?
Wasn't Allegra supposed to be going OTC at some point?
Wanna be polyantihistamineamorous with Zyrtec and me?
Is Zyrtec sexy (in a nasal way)?
Well, duh. Why do you think the Entwives left them?
It all makes so much sense now. I'm also suspicious of the near-mythical Dwarf women too. Seems a little more than homosocial down in the mines.
Wasn't Allegra supposed to be going OTC at some point?
Will Allegra compete for my affections?