I'm going to watch baseball once it starts at 7:00, and tell DH on pain of death that he can't tell me results, or even say, "Huh. Interesting." while looking at the computer until at least 90% of the results are in.
When am I going to learn not to let myself care so much about these things?
I'm watching the intense race....Hell's Kitchen. Well, sort of watching. I'm also reading a Nat'l Geographic. I contain multitudes.
The writer of the LJ in question is a peripheral FOAF, so I read him for a while. But the occasional funny didn't balance out the fact that he made me very, very angry several times and I finally got fed up.
So it was amusing to read the posts here, follow the link and go, "Oh. Him. Well, sure."
The thing that made me stop reading wasn't as bad as what was linked but there was a similar strain of... I don't know... pseudo-hippie rationalizations for toolish behavior.
Scarily enough, I was aware of the boobie touching thing. (A friend linked to the original post on his lj) I'll admit I skimmed the post so I didn't see any of the "healing" aspects of it, but it still bugged me. (Why do I get the feeling that women who choose the no buttons would be made to feel like they're prudes or "no fun"? Oh, wait, I've been to cons)
(Why do I get the feeling that women who choose the no buttons would be made to feel like they're prudes or "no fun"? Oh, wait, I've been to cons)
Yeah, exactly. "Play along or out yourself as a prudish bitch who wants to spoil everyone's fun! What could be wrong with that?"
Their chief mistake is in offering people "no" buttons in the first place. A little twist of the wrist, and that's a nice sharp needle to poke stupid people with.
I think I mostly dont' understand the concept of the opt-out buttons. Why do you need them? Like...can't you just assume that if someone is not wearing a "Yes grope me" button, they don't want it???
pseudo-hippie rationalizations for toolish behavior.
Heh. I knew a number of people like that in Madison. One of them I used to call "the Evil Pseudo-Hippie." Another guy I never met, but I heard many stories about (and I read some of his writings posted on telephone poles around town). Apparently all the evils of the world are caused by sexual repression. Women's sexual repression, especially. I guess women should agree to sleep with every guy who asks, or somesuch....
Personally I think they should hand out mechanical pencils at the door. You know, the kind with the metal pencil shaft? They were my weapon of choice against pervs on the Prague metro. The fuckers hurt when used for stabbing (I know since I've accidentally stabbed myself.) And you can wrench them around and it's awful (also, from accident. Pencil in bag, jammed against my back and the car was packed and writhing. That bruise took a long time to go.)
King Felix did not get the memo that he's supposed to be cheering me up.