My permissions have disappeared overnight, and my mother, with that unerring maternal instinct, picked the absolute worst moment to pop up on chat and start asking me uncomfortable questions. least there isn't an opossum behind the refrigerator?
Yep, I'm such a communist I take (gasp!) public transportation! Everywhere!
I currently own two big-ass old American luxury cars, but I haven't driven either since Thanksgiving, and I take public transportation everywhere.
I think I'm just confused....
own NO car. for the win.
Well, you are a New yorker. That's practically being a Communist.
I wonder if my 1992 Toyota Starlet would pass muster? Probably not, huh?
Aren't you from some European country? All Europeans are elitists liberals, even the conservative ones.
Okay, so Obama's bitter statement? Totally impolitic. But the truth of the matter, even though I'm not in a small town, I am entirely BITTER about the economic state of my life and my country. It hasn't yet turned me to god but it does make guns look sort of appealing.
Jessica - Uncommon Goods has some similar glasses also.
One of the unexplored arenas of American health care is the fact that, as we have it now,
the system cannot sustain full use.
Mass started mandating health insurance for all, and all those newly-insured people are trying to get basic care now, and there just aren't enough doctors/NPs/whatevs available to take care of them.
All the cancer specialists in the world, and not enough people to tell you it's not a tumor.
I think Saabs are advanced liberal elitist.
Except that since Saab got bought by GM, their essential Saabishness has gradually been leeched out. Now they're just another European entry-level luxury car....
crap (but if by "essential Saabishness", you mean "looks like a giant bug", then I can't be mad about that leeching)
(They still have the key-lock on the floor thing, though.)
Yes! and my car key is the remote!
Advanced liberal elitest by definition! European cars are always elitist, aren't they?
Jessica, that's a great martini glass. Not $85 great, but great nevertheless.