From my understanding, as the copyright owner, she has first right to make money off the subsidiary works. They are making subsidiary works without her permission, and therefore she can't make money off a lexicon.
Ah! Jeez. Thanks for the sum up. I can't figure out why it is going to court, though. I read a few arguments about how if she wins it will have a chilling effect on academic works, but the argument seems thin.
The thing with the Lexicon is kind of dual: (1) somebody trying to publish a subsidiary work without doing any of the legal background to check whether that's legal and (2) somebody trying to do same
without telling the copyright holder till it was in print.
The whole thing went to court because the plaintiff (JKR) had to file a restraining order to make the defendant stop the presses. Unless the defendant subsequently abased himself before a third grade class and allowed them to trample on his head, it was basically doomed to go all the way to trial.
OMG People did you know that MTV had a reality show about a HIGH SCHOOL NEWSPAPER?! It's pretty much exactly like my life in high school, and I'm willing to bet, like most of the buffistas'. When I saw the commercial for this on the same channel that makes bank off
The Hills,
I thought it was an April Fools joke. But NO! It is all true. It is NERDTASTIC. AND AWESOME. AND UNFORTUNATE.
Ticket prices on Amtrak are currently no cheaper than airfar and yet the travel will take you much much longer for most travel.
I love the train for PNW travel.
It costs just under or the same as gas and I can read, write, catchy up on anything and generally not have to deal with traffic. I tend to take it for about half of my trips to Seattle.
Trip lengths for which flying isn't useful but I don't want to drive that long either? Train!
Kat, that's appalling. The financial fuckovers you've had to deal with in the past twelve months are insane.
I read a few arguments about how if she wins it will have a chilling effect on academic works, but the argument seems thin.
Well, the site is here. I assume it started as a pure lexicon, but at this point it's more of an encylopedia, with a timeline of events, lists of places, essays on lord knows what. So it depends on what exactly is in the book, but it does seem like if she wins, it could dramatically change what is considered fair use.
I'm scared of the chinese buses, which are probably the best deal all around. Except when they are asshats.
I've taken them to Boston, DC, and Connecticut. They've been late about half the time, but I never felt unsafe.
I've taken them to Boston, DC, and Connecticut.
Toting a clandestine canine!
I'm sorry, Kat. I hate it when life's acting all lifey on you.
Timelies. It's morning here, and Danah Boyd reminds me why I love reading her blog.
Also, I'm having a good music morning, with a lot of good emails and lack of work productivity. Probably just balance the extremely emotionally painful meeting I'll have tonight, with the current board of a non-profit Buffy organization I was involved with and helped to established between 2004-2007, and now, because they can't fucking function, they think about closing it.
I really don't want to think about it now. I'm going to return and enjoy my morning, as long as it will last.