Oh hey, I was the one to post the news about the arrival of Princess Tickybox, wasn't I?
Happy Birthday Lilybean! I am very freaked out that you're three, and a biped, and talking. I mean, it's AWESOME, but weren't you a tiny baby just like a few days ago?
I worked for at least 11 hours today, and I'm not done yet.
Deadline's tomorrow. Must. Not. Fall. Asleep.
The backoffice is going to star in my dreams tonight, I tell you.
Back from the wilds of NH, having foiled the wily newt and the sticky mud.
None of my friends have this many newts.
I'm back from my blind date. We went to MOMA, and it went very well, so yay!
Oh, that's a perfect first date, Tom. Gives you a chance to talk, and something to talk about if conversation lags, plus lots of awesome all around. Yay!
Happy, happy birthday, Ticky! Your fourth year starts ... NOW!
Definitely yay Tom!
And happy birthday to Lillian!
YAY Tom!
This weekend has sucked donkey doo. Yesterday was an annoying birthday party for one of mac's friends. A "party place" for kids where we had to keep moving around and it was loud and I thought poorly organized and went over 3 hours - also not accessible easily by train or bus.
Then mac woke up in the middle of the night with a fever and this morning managed to NOT keep down a banana. We clearly bailed on the birthday party he had today and FINALLY about an hour ago he conked out and had a nap. I feel confident in proclaiming him not the world's best patient.