flea, any way you can visit Singapore before you decide? FWIW, I understand it's very Western-friendly and quite law-abiding (enforced with caning and tough law enforcement techniques).
I don't know that Singapore's caning practices are necessarily going to be a comfort to someone looking to travel to the country with children. I know that guy in the super-high publicity case was almost an adult and should have known better, but how does the strictness of the policy scale down for the sort of mischief preteens are often prone to?
From "The Virgin and the Dynamo"
I have no idea what sort of story this ACTUALLY is, but it SOUNDS like it ought to be a dirty dirty story about a virgin and a fucking machine or something.
OOoooh! I may be able to go herping in NH tonight! Now to scramble to get various things moved into place to make it so!
Is that like birding with snakes?
(and if so, COOL)
It's salad weather! (76 inside and out and I'm wearing a short sleeved shirt and pajama shorts for the first time this year.)
After I finish the salad, I shall make it even warmer inside by vacuuming. Fun.
For my two cents, I love Singapore (although I haven't been back in forever). Also, I really think that growing up in more than one country was a huge benefit to me growing up. Of course, whether my parents felt the same is another story.
It is super hot here. OK, 70.
My excitement for the day is, I went to the suburban supermarket a half-mile from my house (huge store, huge parking lot, everyone is pushing over-full carts -- not a typical NYC grocery), and guess what they had?? POPCORN KERNELS. Oh, thank god. It was only Pathmark brand, but still. I also got steaks and asparagus for a proper Spring dinner. Probably tomorrow.
I just bought myself a little jasmine plant with a trellis and put it out back to grow until I move. My other has gone bananas in the same spot, so it seems like a good and sweet smelling investment. Now to start packing more things and cleaning!
Barbecue tonight. Thank goodness. Being inside all weekend would make me mental.
It is GORGEOUS out here. I realized it was sunny, and knew it was supposed to be warm, but I walked outside wearing a sweater and a sweatshirty jacket...and realized I really only needed a Tshirt and no sweater OR jacket. Yeesh!
Sadly, met up with the girl for hte blind date, and while she was nice, and cute enough for someone, there was no chemistry for me. Ah well.