I just bought myself a little jasmine plant with a trellis and put it out back to grow until I move. My other has gone bananas in the same spot, so it seems like a good and sweet smelling investment. Now to start packing more things and cleaning!
Barbecue tonight. Thank goodness. Being inside all weekend would make me mental.
It is GORGEOUS out here. I realized it was sunny, and knew it was supposed to be warm, but I walked outside wearing a sweater and a sweatshirty jacket...and realized I really only needed a Tshirt and no sweater OR jacket. Yeesh!
Sadly, met up with the girl for hte blind date, and while she was nice, and cute enough for someone, there was no chemistry for me. Ah well.
Ah well.
I really didn't need the jacket I was wearing, either. Bananas!
What was funny the other day was talking to a coworker in CA who was saying it had been cool there when I was saying it had been warm here, and we were both talking about the same temperature.
Yep, my "cool" has been completely recalibrated since moving out here (AIFG!).
I am currently sitting under a tree on top of a hill near Ojai. It's 85 and sunny with a slight breeze. Heaven.
I'll really be glad when snow is no longer in the forecast.
This is why you need to move out here, aurelia!
We've had a bit of thunderbooming, alternating with sunshine -- odd day, but nice on the whole.
Herping is exactly like birding, except in the rain and at night. And mostly done creeping along the back roads at about 5 miles an hour. It's all those vernal pools that are just hotbeds of herp sex. Why did the salamander cross the road? To get it on, baby!
I can go, because I got SQLServer to run correctly on my home computer, after much sweat and anguish. Whoo!
Today I'm tempted. Earlier in the week it was pretty beautiful here.
flea, I'm guessing you aren't around right now, but my mom's best friend (who I call my real mother) lives in Singapore with her husband right now-because of his job (He is a pilot).
Here is her blog about living there [link] it looks like she hasn't written in a while, but I could give you her email address if you would like to ask her questions.
She seems to be enjoying it.
DH has spent a little time in Singapore. They see to have the Chinese views on children - so up until age 5 or so - they get to be wild ones. There is a lot of regulation is society - which will take major adjustment, things like the state of your lawn/house. However, he really thinks you should consider it , esp while the kids are so young. he thinks it would be a good idea.