In fact, in many ways our crazies are not very compatible with each other, and we can easily make each other unhappy quickly.
Oh, there are
ways in which Pete's crazy does not always mesh well with mine. But most of the time it does, and the times that they don't? We still manage to get through pretty quickly. But to me, one of the most important keys for a solid relationship is the ability to look at your partner and say
"I think you're crazy, I don't understand this particular quirk of yours AT ALL, but I still love you and want to keep you around".
Previous relationships of mine would not have withstood that particular acid test; I just tried to convince myself that they would.
Having a good relationship means that your own crazy meshes well or nicely balances the other person's crazy.
Also key is being able to seperate your own crazy from the crazy of others - namely immediate family - and not taking their crazy upon yourself. I also speak from experience.
Joe and I like to remind ourselves, "OUR crazy...THEIR crazy."
This stupid day will never end. So I'm going to cheat, and make it end. By leaving work early.
That is brilliant.
My friend at work is going for a bra fitting tonight, and invited me along. Yeah, I don't think so. TMI for a work friend.
Oh, there are many ways in which Pete's crazy does not always mesh well with mine. But most of the time it does, and the times that they don't? We still manage to get through pretty quickly. But to me, one of the most important keys for a solid relationship is the ability to look at your partner and say "I think you're crazy, I don't understand this particular quirk of yours AT ALL, but I still love you and want to keep you around". Previous relationships of mine would not have withstood that particular acid test; I just tried to convince myself that they would.
Oh yes. Even when we can barely stand to be around each other (which is quite rare), we can't bear to be apart.
So I hate everyone today, right? I was super happy to see this Overheard in New York: [link] That's my girl.
I think the next hour for me is going to draaaaaaaaag. It's been mostly pleasant, though I'm irrationally irritated at a couple of my friends-should be easy to shake off though. Mostly I've spent the day coming up with avatars and making a couple of posters. I made one with the Sarah Connor/Lara Croft quote from the movie thread last night and a demotivational poster that was supposed to represent the batfamily, but now refers to a challenging person my team works with. They made me post it on the outside of my cube.
I might need to marry Woman in Suit.
I've been running into little clusters of kids working to save the environment around Los Angeles. I think it's been for Greenpeace every time. Every time, the kids had multiple face piercings, tattoos, and dressed like homeless beach bums, and looked to be all of fifteen years old. They also would get emo and pouty if you didn't have time to engage them.
Clearly they have given ZERO thought to how their appearance and attitude might affect the efficacy of their efforts.
One of my friends was a coordinator for the Greenpeace collecting people for a while. They don't actually have an option for "give a couple bucks to Greenpeace right now." What they're trying to get you to do is sign up to give a certain amount each month for a certain number of months. I don't remember all the details, but I remember that I was perfectly willing to give a few bucks, since a girl I'd known since kindergarten was running the collection effort, but not willing to sign up for whatever plan it was they had to offer.