phone rang a bunch of times, switched to a new line, then suddenly, my own voicemail was picking up. Very odd.
I've had that happen a couple of times, Vortex. I would click over to the incoming call only to hear my voice mail playing the outgoing recording and getting ready to record a message from me. WTF???
I would click over to the incoming call only to hear my voice mail playing the outgoing recording and getting ready to record a message from me. WTF???
Your doppleganger calling from an alternate universe?
Well, I'm trying to make it a little upscale, so hot food. The caterer can make a bunch of different stuff .
I think I found a spot that PAYS for old gear and cables. Scrap recycler! Toss the 3 towers and 1 desktop and 1 laptop, toss the stack of drives, toss the old patchbay and corner of short lengths of multi-cables, toss the box of ADB and SCSI cables
Let me know how this works, I have a few boxes of cables and old cases that I could stand to get rid of.
Pork medallions with some sort of fruit sauce?
different pastas with a choice of sauces ?
Let me know how this works, I have a few boxes of cables and old cases that I could stand to get rid of.
gawd, yes. I have so much ethernet cable, I could hogtie more than a few steers.
I really valued the space on tabletops or in closets more than the things. Having rooms be clutter-free is relaxing and that relxation was worth getting rid of newpapers or old buttons or books I knew I was never gonna read again.
This is so me. We've been making progress, but I cannot
to declutter the rest of the place. The evil pantry of doom is next. Or maybe the back patio.
ION, I am running away from school in five minutes, AIFG!
Laga, your theater spooks me.
mashed potato in martini glasses bar?