I think it is actually a disorder, maybe hoardingMy mother has this. Those pictures could be her place. Last time I went to visit (xmas) she wouldn't allow me up to her apartment, we stayed in the rec room. The time before that, there was 1/2 the bed clear of stuff, and (1) cushion of the couch to sit at. The table, the kitchen, the recliner, EVERYWHERE was stacked with crap. My father is the opposite. he has a system, every year he goes through the house. If he hasn't used it in a year, it goes to the attic. Then he cleans the attic. If he hasn't retrieved it in a year, it goes to the other side of the attic. If that pile hasn't been used in a year, it gets tossed. In essence, it has 2 years to be used, or it's tossed. This was but one of the reasons they got divorced while I was very young.
Me? I'm half way in between. not a pack rat, but clutter. Mostly out of laziness. Which is why I'm trying to keep moving forward while I am in purge mode. I think I found a spot that PAYS for old gear and cables. Scrap recycler! Toss the 3 towers and 1 desktop and 1 laptop, toss the stack of drives, toss the old patchbay and corner of short lengths of multi-cables, toss the box of ADB and SCSI cables. And that should clear out a whole corner of my bedroom and 1/2 the closet! Whee!
Megan put it great over in Technology. It's not "how much I spent on this x years ago" it should be "how much would I spend on this today". I also like the "how much per square foot" that someone mentioned up thread.