More Hello Kitty stuff: Katherine's "Hello Kitty"© Sisters of Battle
Inspired by the ever cute Sanrio character "Hello Kitty" ©, Katherine wanted to bring a little color (and a bit of snappy fashion!) into the male dominated (and admitedly gothic themed) gaming world of Warhammer 40K! Katherine's devotion to painting her gaming miniatures in constant tribute to Hello Kitty has stirred much interest in the gaming community - and there are growing hopes among many gamers that where one girl blazes a pink trail into the gaming world - others may follow! :-)
I'll begin with the photo that got so many people excited on the GW 40K forum - a photo of Katherine's HK Dreadnought!
Right now, I've got a grocery bag full of clothes, and I'm searching all over the place and can't find anywhere that accepts them. Everywhere requires a car. Every place that I can get to will only take men's clothes, or only take new clothes, or some other restriction that means I can't donate there. I've got a stack of perfectly good clothes, some of them never worn.
If you put a sign on them that says "free" and put them out on the sidewalk someone will take them.
Have you tried women's shelters, Hil?
Leave a bag on the sidewalk? In my neighborhood? Someone would probably think I was planting a bomb. There's a little park nearby where I see homeless people all the time, but none of this stuff would fit any of them.
List it on craigslist, Hil? Or freecycle?
Hil, does your neighborhood/building have a listserv? Maybe you can find someone else making a run nearby who would be willing to drop off your stuff. (My neighborhood organizes Toxic Taxis for batteries and lightbulbs, etc.,)
Hmm. I know there's a clothing dropoff bin in Adams Morgan, Hil....I'm sure there's others around, but I'm not sure where.
Hello Kitty Sisters of Battle???!!!
Truly, it is the time of the apocalypse.
Some places do have drop boxes, but they're farther out of the way than I like (ie, I'm lazy). The biggest organization has the drop zone behind a fence because people would come in and dig through the donations before the place opened. Granted, some of those people were just looking to score free stuff, but it seems pretty small spirited to stop people who might need it from taking the things that are being donated to the needy.
OK, I found one place that takes donations, after several rounds of websites with "We don't accept clothing donations, but this other place does" messages. I can get there on metro, I think. The Metro webpage says it's .21 miles from the U Street station.