I'm fairly sure that a British 00 doesn't actually exist. I was assuming it was American 00 they were referring to (which would be UK Size 4. Which I've also never seen anywhere in my life, but seems much more likely than for the sizes to actually go down to 00).
I'm not sure. I think that the show was edited for BBCA, because the graphics on screen would show the weights in stones, but the voiceover would give pound equivalents. I'd have to watch it again, to be sure. It was called Super Skinny Me, part of "BBC Reveals"
Also, I have now lost 2 1/2 stone (35lb) since January. I am made of awesome!
You were made of awesome before, but this is very impressive.
Best ~ma to Legion, the cat with the best name ever.
Oh, Raq! So much kitty~ma to you all.
It seems to be a UK Size 2 (which I'm shocked to discover exists).
Well, the article is a bit wrong. First, it's not several journalists, it's two journalists. Secondly, they were under the supervision of a doctor, who they saw for weigh ins and interviews every week. When he had some concerns about one of them, he sent her to an eating disorder specialist, and ultimately
recommended that she not finish the experiment because it was potentially damaging to her psyche. She stopped with one week to go
Also, when they were displaying unhealthy behavior, he talked with them about it, and explained why it was bad and why it wouldn't work. They also worked with personal trainers and nutritionists. I was impressed by the controls that they had.
How's unpacking, sj?
We're surrounded by boxes right now. I'm sore and tired, and I don't think I'm going to get too much done today, but my mother will be here tomorrow to help.
{{{{Raq and Legion}}}} So much kitty~ma, love.
Good luck on the test, vw.
So last night, a skunk got into our nice, fenced in and protected backyard through a drainage gap we thought was too small to worry about. Byron got sprayed when he fiercely challenged said skunk and cornered it. It took us two hours to get most of the smell out of the cat. Our entire house stinks, as, I have just realized, does the outfit I am currently wearing. I slept a grand total of two hours last night. Sigh.
That missing leg isn't slowing him down. Right now I kind of wish it were.
I think that the show was edited for BBCA, because the graphics on screen would show the weights in stones, but the voiceover would give pound equivalents. I'd have to watch it again, to be sure.
Super Skinny Me originally aired on Channel 4 in the UK & was acquired by BBCA and reversioned for the US broadcast.
And my mini Vornado fan just threw itself off my desk and is now LOUD and broken. This is not my day.
Kitty ~ma, Raq. I have a feeling my old friend Jo will need some soon, too. It's so hard when your pet friends get old and sick. {{{}}}
I feel completely bloated today. Ick.