woo! So nice to sit down to the turkey baster booster thread after a sucky drive to work. I may need to stop listening to NPR while I drive- reports out of China keep making me cry.
Other than that my haircut is still fabulous. I put in a little gel and a part this morning and I look quite sophisticated and professional. Maybe the next time someone asks to see the manager they won't take one look at me and ask to see
Fly, little donor sperms, fly! May one of you meet a nice egg and settled down in a cozy little womb!
Lots of baby~ma, GC! Woo!
As I said elsewhere, VIVA INSEMINATION! Good luck!
Swim little swimmers! Last one there is a rotten... sperm.
well , a tad late but go, sperm, go!
Reason #7,017 that I love my PCP. She just called in the good drugs. Thank God for the good drugs!
Go spermies! It's your birthday! Gonna party like it's your birthday!
I would like to state for the record that I was not referring to Vortex as "spermies."
Happy Birthday Vortex!