Holy frack, DJ...
I hope this (white fonting just to follow suit)
shines a light on this dude's problems that your friend will see. This isn't the same friend who had all that trouble last year with her ex (getting him out of the house and out of their accounts, etc), is it? anyway, ugh. I hope this guy is GONE from all your lives and soon.
And I really hope your friend is okay.
White fonted.
Part of me thinks that your friend will come out ahead, even with the shame, as long as it cause her to permanently break up with the guy - no take backs.
DJ: O. M. F. G.
Uh... DAMN. I got nothin'.
DJ, oh, as usual, dear. Also, WTFBBQ? I can totally grok the gasping out loud every time you think of it.
Also shamelessly love gossip! That is a crazy-ass story. I hope it opens your friend's eyes.
I could not have imagined those particular details, but I totally guessed the cast of characters. And, oh how very grateful one of them should be that she has you, with all your stern loving common sense, in her life. Because, damn, what a barrel of WTF.
Holy frack, DJ...
wf - just because
is it possible that he's actually making a concerted effort to disconnect her from her job and reputation? also WTF?
... wow. Just ... wow. DJ, I think gasping out loud every time you think about it is a MILD reaction. I would be muttering and smacking my forehead, at the very least.
It is nuts. Yes, the same person. I don't know if (whitefont)
she'll really break up with him, though person who emailed me seemed to think this was a deal breaker-which then changed to "major line crossed" and she hasn't said anything, even along the lines of "I need to talk to you guys" which I'm hoping is just the embarassment, but...I have also sworn to myself that my talk with her a few weeks ago was my last. All I have now is a raised eyebrow and WTFF looks at our mutual friends.