Heh. I'm with JZ--I love gossip, even when it's about people I don't know and will never meet.
So, after over a week with no real work to do, I have access to some places where I could go look and find things to read. And learn about my work. And now I"m all "Don't wanna". Oy.
At least I"m feeling less fall-over-asleep than I was earlier. I still can't decide if this is an actual side effect of the meds, or just me believing in the side effects...probably the latter. That, or needing more caffeine.
I'll whitefont it, because I can't even look at it
My friend has been dating this guy we've all been a little concerned about. There's the short time period from her divorce to seriously dating this guy, there's some substance abuse problems, there's him talking moving her to CA with him and marrying her all after 7 months, 1 messy divorce and some seriously thorny stuff.
A few weeks ago I talked to her about taking a step back and really looking at all this (remember my friend's boyfriend lecturing me on how to express my opinion-this is why).
Last night there was a huge function that both of our companies attended. I got an email this morning from our friend and her coworker that at that event he caused a huge scene, in front of her coworkers, her clients and people in our industry. Per our friend's email "He hit on our client – [bigshot at company x]. He would not back down. Kissed the guy on his bald head, rubbed his stomach and told him he was in really good shape. Then, when the guy told him to back off – progressively getting more and more stern – [Boyfriend] cupped the guy’s face in his hands and tried to kiss him on the lips! The guy grabbed [boyfriend's] hands and pushed him back. The more [our friend] would tell [boyfriend] to stop, the more he would bow up. [Other coworker of theirs] told me all of this. [our friend] has not made it into the office yet.
How I would kill for a post preview right now.
I'm mostly just outing myself as a shameless lover of gossip, even gossip about complete strangers I will never meet.
Which is why I feel ok telling y'all. 'Cause really? I should not be the only one to have that in my head. I need to spread the awfullness so it gets lighter.
I'm mostly just outing myself as a shameless lover of gossip, even gossip about complete strangers I will never meet.
Heh. Me too.
And after reading Daisy Jane's description, all I can say is, "Oh, my!"
(There might also be a "wtf".)
Holy frack, DJ...
I hope this (white fonting just to follow suit)
shines a light on this dude's problems that your friend will see. This isn't the same friend who had all that trouble last year with her ex (getting him out of the house and out of their accounts, etc), is it? anyway, ugh. I hope this guy is GONE from all your lives and soon.
And I really hope your friend is okay.
White fonted.
Part of me thinks that your friend will come out ahead, even with the shame, as long as it cause her to permanently break up with the guy - no take backs.
DJ: O. M. F. G.
Uh... DAMN. I got nothin'.
DJ, oh, as usual, dear. Also, WTFBBQ? I can totally grok the gasping out loud every time you think of it.
Also shamelessly love gossip! That is a crazy-ass story. I hope it opens your friend's eyes.