Totally unrelated, it's kind of ick outside today, so I'm thinking the kids aren't going to want to go outside. Most of them will probably entertain themselves with Ice Cream Shop or something like that, but my little guy that had a meltdown last week will be there, and I really should have something planned for him to do.
I was thinking about giving him my camera and asking him to take pictures during the afternoon, then I'll print them out over the weekend, and next week we can do a group project--putting together a book about after care. Bad idea to give my fairly new camera to a first grader? I'd stop and pick up some disposable ones, but that's not really in the budget (mine or the school's).
Any other ideas?
My coffee is broken. I've had 2 cups and I'm still not awake.
Hmm, perhaps without knowing it you were switched to decaf.
I blame the Flavor Crystals....
Am I a bad evil person because I'm sick of everyone asking about my mom? I don't know what to say! And if I'm all in a sunny good mood because it's a nice day or the Mariners won for a change or because Edwards endorsed Obama or the writing is going well, their question feels like a judgment, like they're thinking, "How dare you look so bouncy?"
I mean, today this one chaplain intern who's the sweet, sympathetic type whose every utterance just oozes emotion. When I came in this morning, she commented about how she'd heard I'd been in California for part of last week, and was it a trip for fun? I knew I couldn't take her sympathy--I can barely take her everyday manner, which IMHO is way too emotive about every tiny little thing--so I just curtly said, "Not really," and left it at that. But I'm sure I came across as rude. Sigh.
Am I a bad evil person because I'm sick of everyone asking about my mom?
Not at all. The question certainly isn't a judgment; it's people wanting to show they care. Your mom would certainly want you to have fun. Still, I became very tired of people asking about my health, and my replies progressed from short to rude with a side of sarcasm.
I decided to follow the good example of others and take my stuffed sinuses and disgusting choking cough to the doctor. She prescribed Avelox, which does have some scary internet stories about it. Has anyone taken it?
Avelox is what I was on for the last ten days of my treatment. It's fine so long as you have a VERY FULL STOMACH FIRST. That was what caused my Exorcist moment in ND's truck last weekend. And I'm not exaggerating when I say Exorcist levels of horrid. (Please, ND, don't comment. I'm still incredibly embarrassed about it.) It had made me a bit nauseated before that point, but I made the mistake of taking it right before eating rather than after on the last day.
Thanks, Kristin. The pharmacist said take it at night, so I guess I'll go for right after dinner.
I post this assuming it is satire: Child Trader Network