Am I a bad evil person because I'm sick of everyone asking about my mom?
Not at all. The question certainly isn't a judgment; it's people wanting to show they care. Your mom would certainly want you to have fun. Still, I became very tired of people asking about my health, and my replies progressed from short to rude with a side of sarcasm.
I decided to follow the good example of others and take my stuffed sinuses and disgusting choking cough to the doctor. She prescribed Avelox, which does have some scary internet stories about it. Has anyone taken it?
Avelox is what I was on for the last ten days of my treatment. It's fine so long as you have a VERY FULL STOMACH FIRST. That was what caused my Exorcist moment in ND's truck last weekend. And I'm not exaggerating when I say Exorcist levels of horrid. (Please, ND, don't comment. I'm still incredibly embarrassed about it.) It had made me a bit nauseated before that point, but I made the mistake of taking it right before eating rather than after on the last day.
Thanks, Kristin. The pharmacist said take it at night, so I guess I'll go for right after dinner.
I post this assuming it is satire: Child Trader Network
At the moment, I am in love with California. Let's see how long it lasts.
I guess I'll go for right after dinner.
I would give yourself at least a half an hour after eating to be sure.
Hooray for California!
Not at all. The question certainly isn't a judgment; it's people wanting to show they care.
Good point. I guess it's not so much I think they're judging by asking. I just feel like I have to switch gears from whatever mental or emotional state I'm actually in at the moment and act like I'm basically at my mom's funeral, or THEN they'll judge me.
ION, I just got a reply from someone after I'd replied to her original message saying, "J will be attending your meeting to present on our program, and I've cc'ed her so you can contact her with the details." She, um, got all testy and asked me for J's email address so she could contact her. How can you work in an office in 2008 and not know that when someone is cc'ed on a message that means their address is right there in the message header?
God, I'm cranky today, and I don't even know why. I really need a private office again.
I just heard that on the radio, Suzi (they broke in to the 10-at-10 on KFOG)! Yay!
Re: House - the payoff was as nothing to me, but an episode full of
hallucinations and possibly manufactured memories
is my catnip.
-t, plus
Cuddy as a stripper is hotter than a hotass thing from hottville.
But maybe that's just me. eta (and Amy and Sail)
My boss (who is my age) is always forwarding me stuff I've been cc'd on. People are lazy, no matter what technology is available. Also, guilty as charged.