I'll ask my doctor. I go back in a week and a half; I don't think I want to use anything but soap and water on the slice till then.
Yeah, I didn't use it right away. I think it helped, but who the hell knows? I do know that you have to look really hard to find any scar.
I'm not sure why my Hubby knows about Hair Care Down There, but he says if you Nair the area instead of shaving, you'll get rounded tips coming back in instead of the sharp-edged hairs you get with shaving.
(This from a man who, in a fit of frustration with groinal hair, took a cigarette lighter to some sections--I wasn't there!--and so the phrase Bush Fire entered our lexicon. And he says his knowledge comes from multiple surgeries.)
who, in a fit of frustration with groinal hair, took a cigarette lighter to some sections
The ability to correctly answer the question, "What's the worst thing that could happen here?" is often underappreciated....
Huh. Sounds like he's from the same School of DIY as my dad.
(My dad has performed surgery upon himself. Using a stanley knife. On his...well, let's just say that I've never seen the scar, and have no intention of seeing it. But I assume that his Jewish ancestors were pleased.)
Sounds like he's from the same School of DIY as my dad.
Yup, that's Hubby. I knew he meant to keep me when he presented me with a pair of tweezers and an Xacto knife and said, "I need you to get a splinter out of my foot."
Then there was the time he sliced his thumb open to the bone and asked me just to put a couple of butterfly bandages on it. (that one was actually a lot deeper than we thought, it was my nausea at seeing the actual wound that had us go to the ER in the first place.)
Ah, men who were raised by wolves and are proud of it.
Apparently rounded tip hurt less coming back in.
Not touching Connie's line.
To distract, a bit from NPR that was repeated for Pledge week:
Paleontologist Neil Shubin discusses his new book, Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year-History of the Human Body. Shubin traces the hand and other human features back to creatures that roamed the earth hundreds of millions of years ago >[link]
I know Neil Shubin! I doubt he'd remember me, but I was the secretary/grant coordinator in the Penn Biology Academic Office back when he was an Asst. Prof. there.
(This from a man who, in a fit of frustration with groinal hair, took a cigarette lighter to some sections
Huh. My minor itching problem suddenly seems so much less irritating.