Well, no. I guess not. I'm having a child character panic, but she immediately asks to go for a walk, and I think that if her parents knew how panicked she was, they wouldn't let her go outside by herself.
There's probably one German word for that entire concept.
If you find out what it's called let me know, because I need a better way of describing it to my analyst.
Oh, how I love this. I SO want to use it.
"Nonplussed" is close, but it doesn't really imply that no one noticed.
Ah, definition conversation 27. It's been a while since this one came up, I think.
If you find out what it's called let me know, because I need a better way of describing it to my analyst.
The word is "scolaheaded"
roommate B just told me he's not going to pay his share of the lawn care bill because he doesn't use the lawn.
where do you find these people?
I can just imagine the bewildered face of my Grandmother at the sight of such a thing
Heh. My grandmother had early versions of those things.
what's a word for "panicked internally, but no one else noticed"?
Like a duck on a pond - all calm and smooth on the surface but paddling madly underneath. Translate that into German and you're good to go.
Though lately I have been noticing a lot of ducks just standing in shallow water so it looks like they are floating but they are actually just standing there. I don't know it seems strange to me that they do that, but it does.
Isn't B leaving anyway? I mean, still annoying and not right, but not something you need to resolve for the future.