Oh Aimee! That sucks hardcore. What a douche. I hope his business fizzles and burns without you.
I had breakfast with a friend I hadn't seen in a month. Yay. We had fun catching up. It's odd, how I already have some friends here I dont' see that often, but like catching up with. How did I get to this point? So weird!
Aimee, it's a damn good thing I don't have your ex-employer's address.
FUCK! Aims, I am so incredibly sorry. Your boss is indeed the High Priest of Douchnozzles. He is the douchiest nozzle of them all. His nozzle is so douchy that other douchnozzles turn away in disgust.
You will find something else, something better. Truly.
vw and other allergy sufferers have my deepest sympathy. My allergies have gotten a lot better since I moved to SoCal, but I still have been pretty sneezy this week. It's a bad year.
Emily, go you with the etymology lesson!
like I have, once a fucking gain let my parents and family down.
no, you haven't sweetie. If you had let them down, you would have quit or not done a good job. Letting your family down would have been not being with you sister when she needed you and not standing up to your douchehole boss. Letting the family down would have been giving into the impulse to smack the shit out of him. Oh, wait, Joe would have given you a medal for that one, so that doesn't count.
Letting the family down would have been giving into the impulse to smack the shit out of him. Oh, wait, Joe would have given you a medal for that one, so that doesn't count.
And I would have sold a kidney to make bail for her.
And I would have sold a kidney to make bail for her.
The ex-boss' kidney, I hope.
Eeewwww, it's Monday again!!!!
I'm sorry to hear about your job shit, Aimee. I hope you get a much better one pronto.
Since I didn't do any schoolwork over the weekend, I'm screwed today and tomorrow. I have a paper due Wed. night (almost done with it, just need to write conclusion) and a paper due Thurs. morning (did the background work, just need to write it now). Ick.
The ex-boss' kidney, I hope.
Well, yes, that was the plan.
sorry Aimee that the asshat boss did his worse. However, I am sure it will come around and bite him in the ass.
and the pollen is worse and I don't care if it really isn't , but it feels like it. Of course, it looks like we might have drought conditions here this summer, so it should end. yay?