Eeewwww, it's Monday again!!!!
I'm sorry to hear about your job shit, Aimee. I hope you get a much better one pronto.
Since I didn't do any schoolwork over the weekend, I'm screwed today and tomorrow. I have a paper due Wed. night (almost done with it, just need to write conclusion) and a paper due Thurs. morning (did the background work, just need to write it now). Ick.
The ex-boss' kidney, I hope.
Well, yes, that was the plan.
sorry Aimee that the asshat boss did his worse. However, I am sure it will come around and bite him in the ass.
and the pollen is worse and I don't care if it really isn't , but it feels like it. Of course, it looks like we might have drought conditions here this summer, so it should end. yay?
Sorry that your manchild of a boss run true to form. This is not about you Amy, this is about a boy who is playacting at running a business, and from what you've described here, doing it badly. If he's dropping you on that kind of notice most likely his business is in the toilet and he's now trying to do damage control and cut his expenses. I suspect it has nothing to do with changing it up and much more do to his inability to run a business and to grow up and treat employees like humans.
When his business fails you can take glee in the fact that the only thing he'll be fit to do is windex the poles in a strip club between acts.
This one is cracking me up today.
Sean, this is what's inside your clicky link:''%3E%5Blink%5D%3C/a%3E
I took my ADD meds today in the hopes that it will help me get all this packing done by Friday, but I haven't taken it in ages, so of course I just feel weird.
I edited. There was a space in between my open-quote and the web address in my anchor tag. I forgot to hover over it before, but now after edit, if I hover my mouse over the link, it reads right.
Does the linky work for everyone else, now?
works for me
good luck sj
and in random news of the day, they are now stocking sofia in my grocery store.