health~ma, Kristin.
I've been reorganizing my bookshelves. I realized that, since I've got all my music on my computer, there's no reason to keep the CDs in a really accessible spot that I could use for stuff that I use more often, so I put the CDs into a box in the corner and filled that space with books and DVDs. Then went through my books and culled the ones I know I'm never going to read again (The Firm, The Runaway Jury, The Lilac Bus, The Well of Lost Plots, and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants), and I'm going to bring those to try to sell at the used book store tomorrow. Then I organized my nonfiction books and got all the Victorian novels on one shelf and all the non-series sci-fi on another, and then got tired and kind of threw everything else (modern fiction, series sci-fi, mysteries, fantasy, graphic novels, and romance) back on the shelves wherever. I'll work on that tomorrow, I think.
Poor Kristin! It sounds like an antibiotic thing to me.
omg KT! So much extra health~ma for you. (whats WBB?)
I was just linked this: [link]
Lego scene of Eddie Izzards Darth Vader Canteen. Maybe it will bring a smile to KT's face.
I had to post cake or death on my blog
Fell better Kristin and Nora
day 2 still no phone
I'm trying to get the cable mess behind my desk cleaned up. This guy [link] is my new hero.
Poor Kristin! I'm hoping it's just a woogie stomach from the antibiotics.
Those are some really good ideas, Hil. We replaced the back of our TV armoire with a brown plastic garden lattice - it is almost invisible ( esp with all the components in front of it , gives you a place to tie cables - and I can get my hands thru the lattice to plug or unplug something
I just taped a bunch of cables to the back of the desk leg, so that they won't just be dangling behind the desk. Used some return address labels instead of tape, because I couldn't find the Scotch tape, I ran out of masking tape, and I've got way more labels than I'll be able to use before I move next summer. If they don't stay, I'll pick up a few of those cable holder things and redo it.
It works really well. DH cut a few of the lattice pieces out so his hands will fit in as well. When he made the shelving unit for my BIL's tv - my brother in law did the same thing. the nice thing about the brown plastic stuff - it is stiff, but more flexible than wood lattice-and the brown color is almost unnoticeable.