Go VW!
Is she the one who asked the question, meara?
Yes. Though it's a bit disingenuous, given that she herself may not make a ton of money, but her husband is now a lawyer....(OK, so he wasn't a lawyer until like, a month ago. But still)
[Edit: But they wanted a question from an Obama supporter who works for a union (she works for the firefighter's union), and the QUESTION is fine...]
Don't get me wrong. I love my brother, and he loves me dearly. He would give his last shirt for me. Really. We just don't see eye to eye on politics, and it's partly because we've experienced completely different worlds.
I saw her on Sunday, then. I was glad to see someone being all articulate on the subject. It does seem that the people at these town hall meetings ask much better questions than the media.
eaaaauuughh! finally. freelance '08 nonprofit client 2 launched.
plus, a whole new world of video madness opened up for long-term employer-client ... hold onto your bandwidth, people.
and fun with postcards going on over at flickr.
That is exactly why I love John Edwards and *my* brother thinks I'm a pinko whackaloon for it,vw.
Even though we're both Dems.
Although I think Senator Edwards stopped counting a bit fast; I bet there are *four* Americas, at least.
Like I need more geek distractions. Now I'm addicted to Twitter.
vw, sorry you had to deal with that conversation with your brother. I'm always amazed when people say that kind of thing in front of me, and if I respond with something along the lines of, "standing right here", they'll say, "Oh, not you just everyone else." Craziness.
Mom and I are busy making a dent in everything that needs to be packed. I'm stealing a quick minute on the computer while she goes to get pizza.
My brother and I are polar opposites in politics. One of the reasons I hope that I drive to NY with my sister instead. Will be less bloody.
Huge relief. Step-dad took the email very well. No plan yet, but I think it will happen. Good thing since my sister was going to come down and put a boot on the truck.
I just read this off to your Mom ( my precious Honey), and here she sits in tears,. I thought "oh-oh" and she said "those kids, I sure must have done something right. It sounds like you guys have really been working on the options...and we really do appreciate them....I'm sure we agree with one of the options...give us some time to think it out and we will get back to you.....thank you bunches......
I tweaked the email to stress working together to formulate a better plan in an attempt to keep them from planting their feet into stubborn mode.