Hil, what do you make of this site?
Mathworld? Incredibly useful quick reference. I use it all the time for when I can't remember an exact formula or definition and don't feel like trying to figure out which book it would be in.
I had a long day today. Two hours of getting up to Baltimore, then trapeze (yay!), then asthma attack (boo!). Then two hours of getting back to DC, then nap.
I use it all the time for when I can't remember an exact formula or definition and don't feel like trying to figure out which book it would be in.
Any opinion on their software? I don't know enough about the profession, but I just can't work out what the Mathematics software
Or how it does it.
My nephew got a job! We now have three people in my family who have worked or are working at PF Changs.
I tend to use Maple rather than Mathematica, though I need to learn Mathematica -- Maple is way easier to work with, which is why I've stuck with it, but Mathematica is more powerful. Basically, it's kind of a mini programming environment for the types of programs you'd tend to use in math. All the common math functions are built in, and it'll easily graph stuff. I don't use it as much in my work as some other people do, because what I'm doing doesn't involve so many calculations, but I do use it sometimes. The place where I usually use it is when I have some formula and want to see what the value is for, say, all the numbers from 1 to 20.
Hey Hil, do you know anything about Matlab? Some of the models from head office have started using it, we're looking at getting a licence here.
Hey Hil, do you know anything about Matlab?
I've used it a few times. Seems like it's most popular for people doing statistics.
Welcome home, Kristin! Take care of yourself...
Yay Kristin! Just in time to go see a preview of Iron Man.
yay!!!! glad you are home, be very good to yourself, Kristin.
I just deleted my sister's husband from my gmail contacts so I never have to see his stupid name again. That felt surprisingly good. Way better (and easier) than my original plan which was to send him an email that consisted entirely of, "you are a non-person" repeated to fill 100 pages.