ugh poor Kristin. But yay Griffith Observatory!
Roommate D finally got his fat manager paycheck but he can't cash it because it's too big. Argh! Time for him to open a bank account, looks like. I left a message for my landlord so hopefully they won't cash May's rent check until I have the money in the bank. B still hasn't paid me, dagnabbit. Even though he said he'd give me $100 last night I got nada. Now we have to decide if we want to kick him out knowing that J (supero roommate extraordinaire), his brother, might leave too.
Can't he cash it at the bank that it's drawn on?
Yay, Griffith Observatory! Please do not disillusion me by reporting that they are hell to work with, ND.
My time helping ND withe the one project... I thought they were cool. And it was a super cool place to work at too, but that might be the geek in me.
On the whole Griffith has been very good to work with.
The Cover Girl Volumn Exact waterproof, Bonny.
Excellent! I'll check it out...and the Almay stuff. I'm weary of the trial and error badness of my recent choices.
Ah ha! A mystery is solved!
I'm watching my X-Files DVDs, the episode "Fallen Angel", wherein Scully is referred to as "the enigmatic Dr. Scully." It's Mulder who calls her that, the weird UFO investigator calls her "the enigmatic Agent Scully." So it's Mulder who thinks Dr. Scully makes a better conspiracy/thriller title than plain old Agent Scully. He's not wrong.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled job/makeup/cat/baseball/kid conversations
(hey, the people I hang out with, this sort of thing is good for hours [minutes] of discussion)
I just called someone up to make a job offer and after she put the phone down to go find her social security number I heard her singing, "I got hired! I got hired! I got hired!"
It was entirely predictable that the day I decided to explain to Annabel about how many innings are in a baseball game and how long it would be till the game was over and she could watch Little Bear, there would be an extra-inning game, huh?
ETA...and we go to the 11th!
That's a good thing , Laga.
I'm not sure what I would have been when I was younger, but hardass is not a problem now. Maybe too much of one, but I'm not so sure you can be too much of one with pre-teens and teens. Mostly I deal with large groups at the library that don't necessarily know me. I tend to bark/snap when a rule is being broken, even in the midst of a pleasant conversation. I suspect some people think I am possessed.
T called tonight to tell me that the younger nephew got his finger caught in the car door today. He fractured the tip of his finger. Poor little guy.
It was entirely predictable that the day I decided to explain to Annabel about how many innings are in a baseball game and how long it would be till the game was over and she could watch Little Bear, there would be an extra-inning game, huh?
Baseball can be weird and unpredictable. Everyone thought the Red Sox game was over tonight, including the players, until the ump decided the pitcher for the other team had balked and they had to get one more out.