Is this the hair thread? I posted over in Natter but maybe we discuss hair here. I forget.
I want to cut my hair - maybe later today - but I have no ideas other than to make it shorter. Here's a current picture:
eta: Would help if I put the link in : [link]
Ellie is so pretty, Stephanie! And Frisco is adorable. So big already!
What if you cut a couple inches off the bottom and then angled the sides so it sort of frames your face?
I like Amy's idea! You want something easy? That can dry while you rock-feed-twitter, right?
I checked my email this morning and saw the typical spam of "I'm at home with no clothes on and I want you:)" etc. I thought, "Joy, another computerized bimbo". Then I saw the "sender's" name was Nigel, and I thought, "Woah, they've got me pegged, naked English guys." I marked it spam anyway.
Now if they just send me the "we're nekked and bored and playing with each other and want you to watch" stuff with two guys instead of the bimbos, we might be set.
I like Amy's idea too. I don't think I can do anything too radical and I don't want to go to a super fancy place.
I think I'm going to get it mostly off my neck be ause the hot summer is already here.
Emily, I'm delighted you did the pop quiz thing. Also, I join you in the corner of NotBeingVeryOrganisedAsATeacher. (But I do not take any crap from my students....which is very very easy indeed, because they are six and will do anything for a sticker or a kind word. Mad props to you for teaching big surly people!)
Mad props to you for teaching big surly people!
I read this as "mad props to you for being big surly people!"
OMG gutter guys - SINGING outside my window this morning will not endear me to you. Nor the whistling and catcalls to passers by. I may just have to (wait until you finish what you are doing for me and then smite you all).
I don't mean to take crap from them, you know, I just... part of it is that I have trouble enforcing rules when I don't understand the reason for them. So, well, this year I learned a lot of reasons, which will help me next year. They're the stupid reasons I always hated, like, "I can't trust everyone to do this responsibly, so I can't let you do it even though you would," or "other students have stuck gum in the sewing machines, so you can't chew gum in home ec class" (that's from when I was in eighth grade), but there you are. And I needed to experience it before I could commit to it, so this has been a very useful year in that regard.
I got email this morning from someone named Lweendo. NOT spam - actual first name.
Hell, I know that one year at a Czech High School of teaching conversational English to 16-18 year olds (granted I had no teaching training at all at that point, so really hadn't considered behaviour management one way or another...but I'm not at all convinced that I would have been much better if I HAD the training) was enough to convince me, for years, that I would be a bloody useless teacher. It's so hard, especially when you aren't (or don't feel) much older than them, to draw the lines - and as you say, there are things that you just don't WANT to come out with!
I had NO control over them. I made the mistake of thinking I could just be friendly and entertaining, rather than starting out by being a hardass bitch and then dialling it down... It was a pretty good learning experience for me, but it still makes me wince, thinking back on it.
Man. Six year olds - SO much easier to terrorise!