I signed up for trapeze on Thursday. They just opened for the season a few weeks ago. Should be fun.
Was working on my thesis today. Couldn't get a proof to work, and then I found an article that, from the abstract, looked like it ought to have the piece that was missing from what I was trying to do, but I couldn't get it to open because the math department computers had too many popup blockers and stuff that were preventing the window from open. I turned off everything that I knew was there, and tried two different browsers and three different computers, but couldn't get it to open.
Pop- up blockers are on the library computers - but there is a way to do more than one hold at a time, however , it uses a pop- up so it doesn't work.
I'm not sure I could deal with the upside down part of trapeze work.
About the nekkid conversation, we are pretty blase about nakedness in our house, at least for now. I imagine we'll cover up at some point, but right now the kids really don't have issues with it.
The upside down doesn't bother me at all. The only part where I sometimes have trouble is stepping off the platform. I'm fine once I'm in the swing, but always have a moment of "eek" when I need to step off.
height. I forgot that part. I have weird things about height. Standing 3 to 10 feet off the ground - bad. cliffs on mountains, not happy but better. I think it is because I don't have an depth perception. I know 3 feet and 10 feet are different, but I don't know how different.
How did you get interested in doing trapeze, Hil?
How did you get interested in doing trapeze, Hil?
Did it at camp when I was a kid and had fun, then a few years ago I saw something on TV about the trapeze school in NY, and I googled it and found out they had a branch in Baltimore. I really should be doing situps -- my abs are really out of shape, and those are the muscles that are usually most sore after trapeze. Well, abs and the backs of my shoulders.
Oh, Kristin! I hope you got seen and are home resting now. I hate the I-can't-breathe feeling.
Hil, that sounds so cool. I don't think I could ever do it, but it sounds wicked cool.
Trapeze does sound wicked cool.
At this point I think almost anything that involves balance or control pretty much involves the abs. Whenever I need more balance, I just think to myself "tighten your butt, tighten your abs" and 90something % of the time it works.
I always wonder about what would make me go past my fears and do something a little bit daring.
when my BIL fell off a ladder I did get past some of my driving fears -- at least to the point where in an emergency I feel I could go way beyond my usual close to home only habits