It's terribly disarming.
As far as you know he saves your life ever. single. time. you go into that bathroom together.
There may be some danger only kitties are aware of. Some dread ghostie that has followed you ACROSS CONTINENTS.
My dog will randomly flip out sometimes. Whenever I scold her she looks at me with this smug little "someday I will save your life, human" look.
I have probably seen my mom naked on occasion, like changing rooms before going to the pool or something. But not in a wandering-around-the-house way. And I certainly haven't seen my dad naked anytime that I remember. And I'm JUST FINE with that.
I can totally see how the bar culture in the States is different. Maybe if ours was more like that, there'd be fewer problems with binge drinking.
...and yet there are a ton of people in the states that think just the opposite, that if we demystified alcohol and didn't have such a high drinking age, kids wouldn't sneak it and drink like crazy when they start, and so on. Oy.
Migraines suck. Especially when I forgot to restock my meds before this trip and have already used what I brought> GAH.
Erin, they are stupidheads. But what everyone else said about severanc and references. Good luck.
I think the dog's bathroom following comes down to three things: a) chance to beat you to the toilet, b) possibility that every time you leave the room it's to get treats, and finally, c) implacable opposition to the concept of a closed door. That last one may just be Lucy.
Normally when the pets join me in the bathroom I don't mind, but when I just get in the door and they want to greet me enthusiastically/beg for food, a door would be nice.
In my skippage I didn't see what was up with Erin's employers, but any person not worshiping the numerous excellent qualities of Erin = dickhead.
ION, the members of my family not home at my declared dinner hour of 7pm missed most yummy stuff. Only day 2 of my new scheduled dinner thing. Day 1 was 20 minutes late before all parties arrived. Day 2 and they haven't arrived yet. Won't be near as yummy after a couple hours sitting in the oven. I let them know I can't be eating later than 7 when I go to bed at 10. So my most excellent home cooked dinners are only available in ideal serving condition promptly at 7. So there.
THe bathroom door is the only one of my interior door that ha a doorknob and will therefore stay closed when you close it The dog will stand guard outside the closed door (well, lie on the floor in the hallway but in an on guardish way) but he won't come in. I think that even though we have never given him a bath in this tub, he knows what it's for. He'll also run inside if we start unspooling the hose. Baths are bad.
The one cat will occasionally decide that since that door is closed she must be on the other side of it because she is that sort of portal-worshipping feline, but really she doesn't notice most of the time and the other one doesn't care at all. Not now that there are linen closets easily accessible from the hall.
I've come home to muddy footprints in the tub more than once. Where she got the mud is still a mystery.
I've come home to muddy footprints in the tub more than once. Where she got the mud is still a mystery.
I'm convinced they can spontaneously generate mud.
I like your dinner plan, Laura. DH thinks 7 is way too early to eat and it drives me crazy.
Percy knows the danger of the shower monster. If anyone is in the shower he must be in there, too. At least he no longer tries to hamstring us as we get into the shower. Matt thought it was sorta funny when I ended up with 4 paws and teeth on the back of my knee. Until it happened to his ankle. Percy was banned from the bathroom for awhile.
I felt better after a nap. now i feel all loopy again
The Cat Daniel is absolutely convinced that teh hoomans need a cat wingman any time they venture into the bathroom, for any purpose.
One of the cats always sits on The Boy's lap whenever The Boy is on the john. Always. She never tries it with me, because I think she knows there'd be hell to pay.