And since he ISN'T a pedophile he isn't going to accidentally feel them up instead of scrubbing them.
And since he ISN'T a pedophile, he's not going to suddenly become one by giving his kids a bath. That's not how it works. Jesus.
One of the callers complained that a man being alone with his son in the woods would give the man the opportunity to molest his son.
Hmm. That speaks volumes about the caller. In a sad way, but still. Nothing to do with the father and son.
I agree that they are perhaps getting too old for their baths to be on national TV, if only because it's not that long until kindergarten and the "Ha ha! You were naked on TV!" taunts. But people on this forum also think that it's absolutely horrible that the parents will accept free clothes and kids' shampoo and whatnot. And that they actually get paid for going to talk to church groups and parents groups about what it's like to raise twins and sextuplets.
I agree that they are perhaps getting too old for their baths to be on national TV
Heh. I'd say that 1 day old is too old to have a bath broadcast to millions of homes.
n the TWOP forum for Jon and Kate Plus Eight, people are saying that it's "inappropriate" for the three-year-old girls to be given baths by their father, and that their mother should be doing it.
Am I right in thinking that the cutoff for letting kids into opposite-sex bathrooms and gym/pool changing areas is generally 5 or so? So by this logic, my 3-year old son would be perfectly fine coming with me into the women's locker room at the Y, but once there I wouldn't be allowed to help him into his swimsuit?
Do these people think that young children of single fathers should be left unbathed?
Do these people think that young children of single fathers should be left unbathed?
Or adopted children of gay couples? (That is, if these people are on board with the idea of gay adoption in the first place, which may not be the case...)
I was wondering the same thing, WindSparrow. Or, if they'd think Annabel should go unbathed for an entire week if I go to a writers conference or something.
Do these people think that young children of single fathers should be left unbathed?
As a onetime child of a single father, I was wondering the same thing. There's as much "moms should do all the childcare" thinking buried in there as there is pedophilia fear.
My colleague was saying to me earlier that her sister in law thinks having a a seven year old and three year old together in the same bath is inappropriate. To which she, being Swedish, said wtf? But I echoed her sentiment strongly.
It did kick off a conversation in the office about naked parents. Some people couldn't remember ever seeing their parents naked. Other people, like me, see them naked every time I'm home, basically, as my family has little shame about running around the house with their bits out.
They seem to be OK with the father giving the boys baths, just not the girls. (This family has two 7-year-old girls, three 3-year-old girls, and three 3-year-old boys. It's the younger bunch of girls that are being discussed. The posters also seem bothered that the father's method of bathing them is to run the bath, put all three little girl (or all three boys) in at once, wash them all, then rinse the soap off and wash their hair with the shower head. Which seems like a perfectly reasonable method to me -- giving six separate baths would take forever. But apprently bathing a bunch of preschool siblings together is violating their privacy.)