So I screwed my courage to the sticking post and called up the local recycling people to ask them to come and speak to my students (per the "We love to give presentations! Totally! Call us!"), and the woman got testy with me. I told her what time the class was, but said anytime during the day was fine, and that I didn't have a particular date in mind, and she said, "Well, I really need you to give me an idea of what you're looking for..." Look, lady, I've never scheduled an outside speaker before, I don't know anything about your schedule, and ours is almost totally open!
I do understand that she expected less wishy-washiness, but there you go. I am w-w. I don't know what I'm doing! Cut me some slack!
Mind you, this being the place it is, I was actually talking to the head of recycling, rather than a public-relations person or peon of some sort. I can understand her being a little impatient. Just, I hate calling people!
is anyone around who could take a quick pass at my resume? I met a couple people on Friday who want to see it and I'm overthinking this.
also? loves jessica.
is anyone around who could take a quick pass at my resume? I met a couple people on Friday who want to see it and I'm overthinking this.
Sox. I can take a quick look at it. Profile addy is good.
So Jessica tells us in Natter that it's free cone day at Ben & Jerry's.
Precisely two days after I rededicated myself to eliminating wheat and corn from my diet. When I do that, weight falls right off me and I have so much extra weight right now, I can scarsely fit in my clothes.
No wheat and corn means pretty much no processed food.
Especially yummy ice cream.
I'm wondering if I could sustain a 'special events are okay' policy for fudging the regime.
Probably not.
Interesting Emily. I would have imagined she has some restrictions on her schedule- how odd. Even our library branch that is open 6 days a week has better or worse times for group visits
Aims, I am guessing you sometimes need something off the internet. Send /ask for written permission everytime.
looking for ma~~. Matt's mom is in the hospital, with an infection. This is never easy on her.
Aims, I hope you find a new job quick. We need you on the internet.
I went to a wedding last night for a friend. It was the best wedding I went to in a while. We had a great time, although I needed a sign that said, "We're going to elope", because everyone asked us about a wedding date.
Aims, I hope you find a new job quick. We need you on the internet.
Yes, this.
::gives Aimee's boss the finger::
sj, you rock like a rocking thing.
::rickrolls Aimee's boss::