Much health~ma to your FIL, Scrappy!
We survived Annabel's birthday party, and all the kids seemed to have a good time. Now I just want to lie down and put my feet up, but I need to do groceries and laundry today, because I have choir and an M's game tomorrow.
Oh, Scrappy! I hope he's ok and that you hear something soon!
Because it's not unless there's one, I have to wax rhapsodic about my uni group project. It's distinctly possible that I was the pain, since the other three people were hugely bright, but we got a good grade and my bit stood up to inspection. Taught me a huge amount. I really stepped out of my comfort zone and proved myself in an arena in which I'd had no confidence.
I'm glad. Because profs sure seem to like them. I like them in theory. It's just in practice that they seem to make me nuts.
That Watergate Safeway is something else. And if you're near it, that pretty much means you're not near any other options.
Tell me about it. I used to work at the Watergate. All the stores sucked. Lunch was problematic at best.
That Watergate Safeway is something else. And if you're near it, that pretty much means you're not near any other options.
Yep. There's now a Trader Joe's at 25th and L, but no regular grocery store that's not crap. At least farmers market season has started again -- there's a market next to the Foggy Bottom metro on Wednesday afternoons.
ION, snorting baking soda is not a good idea. (I was trying to deodorize a funky-smelling pillow. I tried the baking soda method -- sprinkle baking soda over the surface of the pillow, wait a few minutes, dustbust the baking soda off, smell gone. I got through the first several steps with no problem, but then when I tried to sniff the pillow to see if the smell was gone -- it was gone! -- I ended up at a patch of baking soda that I'd missed with the dustbuster. That stuff is gritty.)
~ma to your FIL, Scrappy.
Heard from the DH. FiL is better. Yay! They think it was a reaction to BP and asthma medication and they are releasing him. They are turning around to go home and so no Passover dinner. We have friends (including Alibelle!) who are shooting a student film in our house tonight, so we are probably going to duck out and see a movie.
Yay, Scrappy! I'm glad he is ok.
I'm so glad for the FiL news, Scrappy!
Good news, Scrappy! It must be such a relief to you all.