Emily, find someone else. This guy is only going to give you more headaches.
This has been a semi-productive Monday so far. We have figured out which oil company we want to go with for the new place, called the landlord to find out if he is going to change the locks this week, made a phone call about a portable dishwasher, decided which day would work best for the move, and now I am trying to clean out the closet of doom.
ahh Saturdays. I usually get caught up on Natter in the next couple days but today I am getting caught up in Music [200-some posts to go] and Movies [done!].
When I've had bad illness, kristin, the fever often breaks a few times before it really goes. Be patient if you can, you will get better.
It seems to be leisurely garden day. I was out for a bit - I'm going out again soon,then I'll be back in. DH is off with his tribe ( the guitar) people so I'm doing things at my pace.
When I've had bad illness, kristin, the fever often breaks a few times before it really goes. Be patient if you can, you will get better.
Thanks, beth. I need to remember that. It's been a long time since I've been this sick, and I'm very impatient for it to GO AWAY.
Kristin I'm thinking of you in a blue light with germs running away from you in terror.
Flee germs flee!
Damn--MiL just called. they were on their way down for big Passover dinner and our FiL passed out. They were on their way to the nearest hospital (about an hour away from here) so we don't know anything yet. He has had some pretty serious health issues lately, so this is worrying. DH has gone up there and I am in charge of fielding phone calls and am prepping to drive up there as soon as we know anything. Some -ma that it turns out to be something easily fixable, please.
Tons of ~ma to you and your DH and family, Scrappy.
maybe we should shine a UV light down KT's throat to kill all the icky things living in her lungs! Brilliant idea!
:: wonders where everyone went to ::
KT, are you still cool with me visiting tomorrow? Or is the blah at the level of "dear god no visitors"?
ION, I think head-splodey stuff of earlier is helping to revive vivid dreams. I had (2) last night. I can't recall the last time I had any dreams I remember the next day.
Scrappy, tons of ~ma to FiL and hoping it's something minor.
Kristen I hope you start feeling better soon. I had pneumonia when I was about 25 or so. And it sucked, (I had bronchitis first) anyway one thing to remember is take it easy when you do get back on your feet.
It can take a while to get your full strength back after you've been so sick so don't push yourself too hard.