Oh, bleah, vw. On all counts. Fox News (unless SIL's mom's commentary was nice and snarky?), not enough sleep, utterly assbrained group members. I'm so glad I never had to do a group anything in college; I don't think I've heard one collegiate Buffista talk about group projects as anything but Hell Is Other People.
I made it through my first day at the new job! There were a few awkward and tense moments because the person I'm replacing is still there, and it's general but unspoken knowledge that she was days away from getting fired when she resigned. Plus, she's really nice and sweet and generally well-liked (she's also very young, just out of college and still living with her mom, and doesn't have the experience to think independently and problem-solve while fighting a huge bureaucracy--she'll be fine in a few years, but just not yet).
But at least she's all excited about her post-quitting plans (travel Europe, hop to India, spend a few weeks in Bombay with her grandfather), and nobody seems to hold it against me personally, and the other admin who's close friends with her is a fan of Buffy and Stuff White People Like. And I had a rousing discussion with my new boss about the prospects for the A's this season and the fantastic news of Frank Thomas's return. He's got an assistant with whom he can talk baseball and Victorian literature; what else could he ask for?
Yay, JZ! That sounds good. I hope it is just a wonderful place for you.
This sounds way better than the last job ,JZ.
sending you survival ma, vw.
and to all the people that still have winterstuff.
Want [link] Unfortunately, I'd have to get a new laptop first, because my old one is too heavy to carry over my shoulder for very long.
That sounds really promising, JZ.
I hope Kristin's pneumonia is succumbing to modern medicine.
If I was going to shoot someone, vw, it would be your project mates, not you.
Yay on the new job, JZ!
I'm feeling a bit better about what's been going on at my workplace. Basically, yesterday I learned that the retreat that didn't happen was NOT planned as a bait-and-switch all along, and that my boss was under a certain amount of pressure from higher-ups.
Stuff White People Like
...muffins? (I was thinking about that 'eat a muffin, whitey' schpiel earlier today, as I reflected on how yummy the Celestial Seasonings English Toffee Tea is.) Meanwhile - Yay on new job, JZ!
JZ, that sounds like such a better job situation for you. Yay!
So I think my fever finally broke in the middle of the night. I've been running one between 99.7-102 since Sunday, so I had kind of forgotten how good it feels to
have a fever. Oh, so good. I'm still coughing my brains out (and my stomach muscles are so sore at this point that every cough feels like a punch in the gut), but I feel the tiniest bit more clear-headed today. I'm really relieved. I was feeling so badly last night that I almost told ND that I thought I needed to go to the hospital.
I've done nothing but eat PB&J (it's the only thing I can stomach) and sleep for days. I'm really hoping that today is the turning point.
JZ, this new job sounds like a much better fit for you! I hope it continues to be so.
Kristin, I hope you continue to feel better today.
....I just took my temp. It's 100.2. Never mind.