Also, I'm not really sure a lawyer is going to be able to do anything, to be perfectly honest. I suspect he/she would tell you to start looking for a new job stat. Ugh, though. I am so sorry.
Do you think he'd fire you if you just didn't who up?
I'm suddenly SO thankful for my boss. I didn't go into work on Thursday because I was in a writing groove. I told him that. His response was, "Well, if you can get here for any of the time that would be helpful," but he wouldn't say, "You have to come in." So, I ended the conversation with, "Don't plan on me."
Yesterday, he came in to see how everything came together. Then we commiserated on the writing process (he's written a dissertation) and how when the writing is coming, you have to let it. I don't think you get more understanding than that. I wish for more like that in your next boss, love. This has gotten completely out of hand.
Also, I'm not really sure a lawyer is going to be able to do anything
They can defend me at my trial for murder!
I have no words.
Aimee's boss keeps a sledgehammer in his office.
I may have to educate him on why that is not such a good idea, coupled with a brief but impactful lesson on alternate management styles he may wish to explore.
Aimee, I hope you are sending out a deluge of resumes to any remotely interesting job within reasonable commuting distance. This guy is a jackass.
Steph, I most certainly am.
So, S went in yesterday to have her labs taken in order to calculate her current MELD score and adjust her placement on the transplant list. Well, someone from the transplant team called half an hour ago to say her potassium is dangerously low. Now we are getting dressed to head in to the ER and have them fix that.
Yawn. Tired. Want to be in warm bed, not dressing for a day in the ER.
Jess, I will make my Scrabulous play when I get home.
There is too much gronk for me to adequately express the dismay in re: Aimee's boss, and S's newest trip to the ER. I hate that this is having to happen to either of you. So bestest new-job-finding~ma to Aimee, and health~ma to S.