We have staging areas for Freecycle vs Donate. A dumpster out front for trash (though that is pretty full). I just ordered some used moving boxes (recycling, yo) so we can start packing what we want to keep.
I wish I had the patience to sell some of this stuff - I just don't have the energy. Or, oh, one of the e-bay resellers...wish we had something like that locally.
Hubby won't freecycle, he hates the idea of strangers getting benefit from money he's spent on stuff. My Hubby is often weird.
Suzi, did you see Lee's news?
And there's a reseller in my nabe, if you want to get rid of the smaller stuff.
That Funky Smell, I Swear I Wash My Feet
That morphs into "I Forgot to Wear Socks With My Hockey Skates" in our house, in which case the only coverage DH gets is a towel to dry off his feet after scrubbing them outside, NO MATTER HOW COLD IT IS.
It'll be the breakout hit of the summer.
It'll start a rash of copycats.
So far, all of the stuff I've been freecycling has been stuff that I got for free in the first place, as hand-me-downs from other people who were redecorating or moving. So I figure that giving it to someone else for free is only fair.
There are undilating drops?!
It's apparently a deep, dark secret, but they worked for me. I felt safe driving after about 15 minutes.
Juliana, clearly Suzi is ignoring me (and you, for that matter)
We keep talking about some kind of yard sale, but it never materializes because a) we don't have a yard - it would be a "parking space sale", and b) we never seem to get around to actually get around to weeding through our GIANT MOUNTAINS OF CRAP to decide what to try and sell, how much to sell it for, and when we actually plan on having this imaginary sell-off.