undilating drops
There are undilating drops?! I've always had to have someone drop me off and pick me up from the eye doctors office, because after the dilating drops, I can't drive even with sunglasses for a while. (That reaction started when I was a teenager. When I was a kid, they always had to put in several rounds of drops before my eyes would be dilated enough. I'm not sure what made that change.)
Aims, did you ever get the email I sent you on Friday?
I did!! Thank you! I am so sorry for not acknowledging sooner. It helped a lot.
OK, I've found someone who'll take one of my three freecycle items, someone else who might take a second one, and I found a ride to the kosher grocery store for Passover shopping next week. So some of the clutter in my apartment will be gone, though not all of it, and I'll be able to get Passover food, though later than I would have liked. So, I'd say that works out to about 70% good, which is a good-enough day.
Good. Anything I can do to help smite the SOB.
Fred Pete, I know vw's in the honors program and all, but I don't think people defend bachelor's theses. Could be wrong.
Oops. I thought vw was going for a Master's. Though I had to defend my B.A. honors thesis.
Hil - I have been freecycling like mad this last month. Every weekend I list 4 or 5 things and then it takes almost the next week to get them picked up. Sometimes I'm lucky and I can list a few more during the week. I have a whole staging area for "upcoming items" as we clean out closets and find more things.
I am fearful of when I'm ready to get rid of my desk - that thing is HUGE and HEAVY.
Me too - send me your phone number and I can call and ask questions about my health insurance, which you don't manage.
Okay. Just as long as you're prepared to get answers like "Well, one quarter of your premiums actually goes to a Satanic cult and the rest actually goes to the Republican Party. Because we're evil. EEEEEEEEVVVVVIIIIIIILLLLLLLL!!!"
Well, it would stave off the boredom.
And make folks here ask why I'm laughing like a loon.