Although, if he's asking Daisy, who he hasn't spoken to in a while, I have my suspicions.
That's the part that bothers me the least. We always talk like that. It'll be three months and I'll call him up and say something like "Hey how's it going? Yeah, love the new job. Mr. Jane's great! So should I think about going to graduate school?"
But, I do think that letting your friends (though honestly they're probably more like people he works with who he is around all the time so might as well hang out like you're buddies kind of people) dictate not only how you feel about someone, but basing a life changing decision on their opinions? Get out. Both of you.
Last time I was at the dentist, the hygeinist put some numbing cream on my gums after I complained too much. I was all, "What? You've had this stuff that'll make this not hurt for years, and you're just telling me about it now?"
This happened to me too!! It was a new denstist for me though. Made me retroactively peeved at my old dentist.
your story of how you loved your little sister
And she makes great mix tapes!
Fred Pete, I know vw's in the honors program and all, but I don't think people defend bachelor's theses. Could be wrong.
So. Fucking. Bored.
Me too - send me your phone number and I can call and ask questions about my health insurance, which you don't manage.
"What? You've had this stuff that'll make this not hurt for years, and you're just telling me about it now"
This is similar to the way I felt when I started going to an eye doctor who uses undilating drops.
Thanks, Hil! Y'all are definitely cheering me up.
undilating drops
There are undilating drops?! I've always had to have someone drop me off and pick me up from the eye doctors office, because after the dilating drops, I can't drive even with sunglasses for a while. (That reaction started when I was a teenager. When I was a kid, they always had to put in several rounds of drops before my eyes would be dilated enough. I'm not sure what made that change.)
Aims, did you ever get the email I sent you on Friday?