I haz crack now! Yes, after visiting KT, where she FORCED me, twisting my arm in agony, to stay an extra 2 hours to watch the pilot of Stargate-1, she then demanded I smoke more crack.. er.. borrow season 1. Ok, so there wasn't any twisting. I've been a fan, but due to crazy work/(and probably then school) schedule pre DVR days, I didn't watch it regularly. So I happily borrowed the dvd's. Ssssh. Don't tell ND.
Yes, Byron is very cute, and seems very well adjusted. Funny, when he walks toward you, head on, you can't tell. It's only when he's to the side, or walking away that you really notice his unique gait. And, being one with a unique gait myself, I'm not gonna tease him.
I also learned that, with not traffic, it takes exactly one episode of This American Life from KT/ND place to mine... ok, so I was 5 steps away from my door, but close enough.
Laga, I have my DVR set up to record tomorrows episodes (both of them) Tuesday as well, just in case.
Laga, I have my DVR set up to record tomorrows episodes (both of them) Tuesday as well, just in case.
snerk. I spent a good minute trying to firgure out what you were recording for me.
Did we talk about Battlestar Galactica? Torchwood? Both episodes of what?.. ohhhhh
Yay for Byron's adjustment!
Go, Fay!
Happy Birthday, if a bit late, to Amy and Annabel!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Annabel and good thoughts for my mom.
Life is just so much lately. I hope it doesn't make me a terrible and callous person that I can turn off everything else and disappear into the world of my WIP for hours at a time, because that's what I just did for most of the evening. Whatever else is happening, I think I'm writing a pretty good book.
I heard back from Ex-Army Brother, who suggested I come down to CA for the first half of Mom's visit. So I'm going to talk to my boss tomorrow and make travel plans accordingly.
Sorry Laga, I should have copied the text from the announcement.
oh don't be silly, omnis. I should have remembered.
Happy birthday to Amy and to Miss Annabel!
Meanwhile - as of today, I have lost 2 stone (28lb). Go me!
Go, Fay!
Kristin, I'm glad Byron is recovering so well.
{{{Susan}}} I hope you're able to arrange the trip to your brother's. Also, being able to escape into your writing sounds like a very good thing.
Losing a stone, as a phrase, sends me to a very Swearingen place, with a lot of dirt, misery, and a patchwork of profanity. But he *passed* a stone...losing one probably wouldn't hurt so much.