a girl I know called my phone half an hour ago and left an accidental message (as in, there was no message I could tell, just loud party-like sounds).
She wasn't having any fun, though, it was just loud and annoying and she was calling you because you were the only interesting person she knew.
I would like to publicly state that Lee was not a stoner tonight.
Nor did I spend the whole concert making out with a gay straight man.
You realize this begs the question of what she WAS, then, if not a stoner. And who what she DID, then, if not a wee gay straight man.
It occurs to me that I never did remark upon the STAGGERING resemblance between Smonster and Juliana.
Said resemblance? Staggering. Absofuckinglutely
t whispers
Also? Lee is a stoner! pass it on!
t /whispers
If Lee was not a stoner, then did Suzi have wine shoot out of her nose?
Happy Belated Birthday, Stephanie!
((Susan & family))
We are in Kitty Hawk, tucked into a house on the beach. It's raining, but we're all cozy. Sassy's surgery went well, and she's recovering nicely. She loves the beach -- it smells! There are lots of things to try and eat!
Happy Birthday, Amy!!!
Happy Birthday, Annabel!!!
Well, it looks like the SECOND guy who said he wanted to buy the Lumina Van has not come back.
Really, when did it become commonplace to leave people hanging, and not even have the courtesy to call and say "I've changed my mind."?
Happy Birthday, Amy!
Happy Birthday, Annabel!
That sucks, DJ. I hope you get a buyer to show up soon.
I am very confused this morning. My computer and my bedroom clock radio sprang forward.