Everyone is allowed to take personal days. There are laws.
I don't think he's saying she can't take personal days. I think he's saying that if you don't love your work so much you never ever ever want to leave or take a break, then UR DOING IT WRONG.
What Maria said. Aimee, good luck finding another job fast.
I think he was pretty explicit about not being allowed sick day. Which is BULLSHIT!
And I didn't think I could love Maria more than I did before, but it appears I was mistaken.
Of course I got the "My girlfriend has worked for 2 1/2 years and not taken a single sick or personal day."
And he's dating, what?, a 19 year old? She's only worked for 2 1/2 years??!!
An ex-boss of mine said that if anyone who didn't consider our (very difficult, demanding, underappreciated, and sometimes dangers) jobs "pie in the sky" (mixing his metaphors, but I think we know what he meant) ought to hit the road! Uh, yeah. Rrright.
Not to mention when they were translated.
I think this guy is not working from translations. But it's a fair point in general. Like I need one more viewpoint to try to hold in my head.
then I need to find another job
Yeah, you'd figured that out already. And what Cashmere (and everyone else) said - employees don't make the same sacrifices owners do because they don't get the same rewards, either.
Yay, successful mental picture transfer, Hil! Go, you!
I am not allowed to take personal days and if I feel that I need to be in a job where I can take personal days, then I need to find another job.
"I love you and your work...I just wish you were a robot!"
Well, she's not Kapitan Fucktard, and you know what? I want my wife to be happy and sane. You? A miserable, insane cranial-ass-spelunker. Antithetical to HappySane!Wife. Therefore, you get no cookie. You get pain and misery and, maybe, after you've begged for it enough, the sweet release of death.
Fuck you, fuck your girlfriend, fuck your drone-like workaholic tendencies and fuck your ass-backward dumbass business practices. After you've run your shitbag slumlord scamorama into the dirt, maybe you can share space on the FuckCake Hall of Shame Wall with George W. Bush. I hear his daddy gave him a "boost", too.
Everyone is allowed to take personal days. There are laws.
Not necessarily, sumi. She's an exempt employee, and if 80 hours a week are required to do the job, then the employer has the right to expect that of her. Personal and vacation days are part of a benefits package, and are not required to be offered by law.
I don't think he's saying she can't take personal days. I think he's saying that if you don't love your work so much you never ever ever want to leave or take a break, then UR DOING IT WRONG.
No, Fuckface is saying she can't take personal days.
doing it wrong.
Aimee needs a new job. In LA. IJS.